IWD: Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.
What I know for sure is, I wouldn’t be where I am today in my career both in terms of self-belief as well as having the opportunities to accelerate my career without others (both males & females) counting me in, investing in me and accelerating my progress. However, I also equally took personal responsibility and control for my own development and growth by investing in myself because I knew it would pay off long term and it was also part of what motivated and engaged me and still does to this day.
As an Executive Coach working with 1000s of women over the years, I witnessed, heard firsthand and encouraged all the women I coached and coach today to invest in themselves by taking control of their career and therefore their development and growth.
Below is my top 10 list of things that work and that I’ve seen women who I’ve coached do to invest in themselves and take control of their careers. I hope it helps even if you take just one thing off the list to action to help shift you closer to your full potential!