Building Confidence for Corporate Success

Aug 14, 2023

 My 9-year-old son and I love watching the television show 'The Voice' together.  Yes of course it’s for the amazing singing talent that Australia has but more than that it’s about the back story of the contestants.  I go between laughing and beaming like I’m Jess or Rita who just discovered them, to crying and bawling my eyes out for the contestant’s vulnerability and courage to step on that stage and give it a go. 

What I’ve noticed is how often a contestant is putting themselves out there and taking this step despite a lack of confidence, despite worrying that they may not be good enough. 

And that got me thinking about how similar this is to the corporate world where often what is holding someone back is just one step or one action that can help them move towards that breakthrough in confidence and achieving their professional goals.

In the world of corporate endeavours, confidence isn't just a desirable trait – it's an essential ingredient for success. From navigating complex projects to asserting yourself in meetings, confidence plays a pivotal role in propelling your career forward. But what if you find yourself wrestling with self-doubt, hesitation, or uncertainties that hold you back?

Picture this: you're sitting in a meeting, brimming with valuable insights, yet the fear of speaking up paralyses you.


A role that you know is the next right move for you has been advertised internally but you’ve already seen ‘Sarah’ who is much more confident than you go into the office of the hiring manager and have a chat about it.  Yet you know your experience and skills are probably more aligned to the role.

These are common scenarios that stem from the confidence gap. We often undermine our capabilities, strengths and experiences leading to missed opportunities and stifled growth.   Voicing your opinions, engaging in discussions, giving feedback, putting up your hand for opportunities and presenting your ideas with conviction are not easy things to do when you doubt yourself.

But what I know is that working on your confidence is really about being brave enough to just start or take the first step.  Just like the contestants on 'The Voice' who despite the nerves or previous knock backs decide to take the opportunity to walk on that stage. 

If you want to find out where your lack of confidence might be holding you back, then click  on “Confidence & Me” Checklist to download it! There are 5 areas covered in the checklist:

  1. Communication & Expression
  2. Self-promotion & Recognition
  3. Confidence & Mindset
  4. Professional Growth & Development
  5. Work-life balance & Wellbeing

But here’s 4 things that you can do that will help across any of the areas:

  • If you don’t know how – learn how! 

If your lack of confidence is because you don’t know how to do something – it’s the easiest one to progress in.  All you have to do is learn how by attending a course in person or on-line, read books, listen to podcasts, follow people on socials who are good at it or watching a TED X.  

  • Practice builds confidence!

You just have to be brave enough to take the first step and then keep on building on it!  Keep focusing on the benefits of you starting versus if you don’t!

  • Feedback is gold!

When you want to improve then feedback is the fuel you should use to do so.  Asking for feedback from an appropriate person (your Manager, a peer, a direct report, a mentor, a coach) that you trust is going to give you insight and valuable information that you didn’t have before that will help you improve and also build on what you’re already good at.

  • Comparison is the thief of confidence.

Comparing yourself to someone else or wishing you were like someone else is a sure fire way to lessen your self-confidence.  Sure, learn from that person but always ensure that you stay true to you and your values, personality, character and strengths.  Wearing a mask is way too hard and takes up way too much energy!

If you’re interested in diving even deeper into any of the content above, come along to the live and free Masterclass "Building Confidence for Corporate Success" by clicking here.  It will provide an opportunity to bridge the confidence gap for you and move you one step closer to your goals!

And as always there are some key questions for reflection below.

More than ever,